Created in 2014, with its inaugural run in 2015 and receiving its official 501(c)3 status in 2018, The Sideshow Hootenanny is the only large-scale gathering of sideshow performers, producers, and fans currently happening in the United States. It takes place every year in late winter to offer our sideshow brethren a break from dark, frigid days, as well as to give performers a chance to brush up on their skills and dust off and polish acts before the start of touring season.

The goals of The Sideshow Hootenanny are:

  • to celebrate the great American art form of sideshow

  • to foster growth in the community and among individual performers through workshops, panels, peer review, and one-on-one consultations with some of the top performers and producers

  • to educate the general public about sideshow, it's history, and traditions

  • to have a damn good time with some of the most entertaining folks you'll ever meet!

We hope you'll join us at the next one and every one after that!